
About Me

Hello! I'M Sammy Adel

  • My name is Sammy Adel. I was born in Cairo Egypt and lived there till I was 25 years old and then immigrated to Canada. My father was Arabic language university professor on Alazaher university which is the number one Muslim university in the whole world. I studied in Alhelmia elementary school and then in Almohamadia middle school and then in Banbakaden high school and then in Cairo University the top Egyptian university and graduated after 5 years as Aeronautical Engineer. My IQ was tested and it was even higher than Albert Einstein. I worked in Almady military factory which was placed in the luxurious city of Almady and had a company mini bus picking me up in the morning from the executive villa in Midan Lebnan in almohandseen which a high class part of Cairo and returning me home after work. A year later I worked in Egypt Air as an Aircraft maintenance engineer. Another year later I applied to the Canadian Embassy in Cairo and got accepted and got immigration visa. I had the right for a free air travel as an airline employee and Egypt air didn’t fly to Canada so I was given Egypt air ticket to London England and a letter to British Airlines to fly from London to Toronto Canada. I took it to the British Airlines but the manager was a real asshole and he demanded to see my Canadian visa and when he saw it was an immigration visa he denied to issue me the free ticket which I had the right to because he claimed I am no longer an Egypt Air employee. I then bought a ticket from Pan Am for $100 and flew to London where I stayed for 3 days in the youth hostel and then flew to Toronto Canada. I was welcomed by Canada immigration and got a free stay in the 5 stars Ford hotel. When I arrived to the hotel the reception got my immigration letter and gave me a room and cash money. I asked what was that money for? So he said in Canada when you get money You should just take it and not ask why. It was winter and very cold and I was not educated about what clothes I should wear so I spent days in my hotel room. I got a room and kitchen and my American sister gave me 5 American Express traveler checks one hundred American dollars each in Cairo and signed them. I had no problem cashing them although I was supposed to sign them in front of the bank teller but life was good and easy then and the tellers cashed me the checks anyway. Immediately I bought a Vaxhul Viva car and was driving without a license and the police stopped me once because I forgot to put my car lights on at night for one minute and I turned it on but the police was decent then and never asked for my drivers license which I didn’t have and let me go in less than one minute. That was back in 1971 but now that nice police don’t exist anymore.

I don’t want to waste your time anymore but you can ask me the details of the rest of my life. Now I decided to be the world leader because the world is getting worse an rotten all the time.

One of the most despicable things is the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. It had no logic and not even the slightest justification. It killed and injured millions of the Ukrainian civilians. The Russian bastards also still attacking the Ukrainian till this moment. Just 4 days ago the Russian bastards destroyed Kiev electrical power stations on water plants. Now the Ukrainian are without electricity or water for 4 days so far. How can human being live without water or electricity for 4 days and more? Their suffering is beyond belief. Now I stopped all my work and business to help the Ukrainian. I sent money by WesternUnion to many Ukrainian but most of them are in terrible situation and didn’t even cash the money I sent. Now I decided to take actions. Putin is the most rotten human being ever created. His actions are beyond criminal. We have to take actions against him. Starting immediately he must be called Rotten Putin. Because he is so filthy and rotten. I ask everyone to use that name and force all the media televisions, radio stations and newspapers and everybody to call him Rotten Putin and declare everybody who doesn’t use the name Rotten Putin as a criminal as well. Please use everything you can to have everybody or media to only use the Rotten Putin name.

Second I will declare every Russian aircraft pilot who fly over the Ukraine as a war criminal who will be severely punished. Also any Russian military personnel who fires rockets or use offensive weapons against the Ukraine are a war criminal and severely punished. We can stop the Rotten Putin in short time. Also I will ask the Russian army and citizens never to carry out any directions or orders or instructions of that Rotten Putin ever.

We can Isolate and destroy this Rotten Putin since he is disgrace for the human race. I will also generously reward and protect everybody who attack and hopefully get rid of this Rotten Putin. The world rulers are very stupid compared to me and are watching this Rotten Putin and unable or unwilling to stand against Rotten Putin but the almighty God gave me the intelligence and the brain to save the mankind and all the living creatures and if I didn’t use it to save the planet I will go to hell and I am doing what the Almighty God created me for.

I will reward everyone who help doing what the Almighty God created me for and everyone who follow me will have massive benefits. For one I will bring the world to the pre Covid situation. All prices will be rolled back to the pre Covid prices. I will totally eliminate what is left of the Covid virus forever. I will tell the details later.

Also people who join me will get massive benefits and I here list some of them.

  1. They will get discounts on many of the items they buy and get VIP treatment.

  2. They will have the right to acquire or buy any defensive weapons without any permits or restrictions and I will give reasonable power to the National Rifle Association.

  3. I will provide all my followers with the best stun guns to protect themselves.

  4. I will terminate all the police power against any of my followers.

We will start with what Albert Eintein Said:
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
That means that Stupidity has no limits at all. And now stupidity is the palgue and it is rampant everywhere. Stupidity is everywhere in governmement, businesses and everything and we have to tottaly resstrict all of them.
Let us start with governments. We do not need all these parliaments and minsters and thousands of officials who are super stupid. Without them we will be far better. For example you can see the followings:
The Russian criminal invation of the Ukraine:
This is a major crime that should had immidiately stoped in hours not days or months.
The American and Nato forces should had immediately declared the Ukraine a no fly zone for all russian aircraft and air bombed all Russian forces invading the Ukraine. In couple of hours the Russian would had run back to Russia and there would not be any war and misery like what is happening now. Not only the Russian are a war criminals but also the American and the European governments are partners of thge crime. Albert Einstein was right stupidity has no limits.
Another matter happened in Ontario Canada. Allen Remley 70 years old was found not guilty by Judge Heather Perkins. The Crown filed an appeal using tax payers money. This is a total abuse and whoever was involved should never be paid a taxpayer salary again.
Also some big companies are full of shit. I received a call from a starving and sick Ukranian woman who was disperate so I sent her $50 to help her using westernunion. My money was cashed but westernunion informed me that the transfer was blocked and it will not be delivered. They would not give me a reason claiming it was rules and regulations. I suffered because I could not help a sick and starving woman in a war zone. What westernunion did is outright criminal but the rules and regulations are stupidities with no limit.
Also since the russian invation of the Ukraine I got a a lot of genuine requests for financial assistant from starving a sick ukrainian and being a kind hearted I started sending money online using my computer. I was sending few transfers every day over $100 each. The company I used was moneygram because they have zero trasfer fees due to the Russian invasion. I did that longer than one year when moneygram blocked my account. When I asked why they said it was because I disputed one of the transaction. I told them to tell me which transaction was that so I would call my bank and reverse that dispute? they refused but they told me I can still make the transfers using agent locations which was hardship for me to go every day and of course I still can dispute agent locations transactions but they insisted in making things dificult for me. Anyway I kept making transfers to the Ukranains for another year till after about a year my transaction was declined using agent location. I phhone money gram and asked why my transaction was declinef they sais it was for my own protection. I said i do not need their protection but they said I can no longer send money to the Ukraine using moneygram. It is a total bizzare and that was it.
About financial services the congress had approved the creation of one of the most stupid organizations ever called consuumer finacial protection bureau VFPB which is a total fraud and waist of tax payer money. Because it does not give consumer the slightest protection. All it does it writes the consumer complainnts and send it to the financial organiation and get a reply. That is all. The consumer him or herself can do the same. It does not give an openion about the reply however bizare it is and it does not have the slightest power over the financial institutions and had no information what government organization if there was any that has that power? It can not even give an advice about anything whatsoever. The words consumer protection are total fraud. It shows how totally stupid they are along with the congress who created them. It is tottally true what Albert Einstein said it was stubidity that had no limmit and it was a terrible mistake thant Einstien did not rule the world because it would had been hundred times better than the Crocked filthy rotten world we have now which it is getting worse as time go bye.
I will here expose and eliminal all the world corruption and unlimited stupidity and tottally eliminate it starteding with Canada and America and soon the whole wide world. In the bigining i will not exactly identify some of the organizations little by lettle i will go back and gradually add 100% informations so you know whho are the crocks, Thieves, and the insanely stupid human garbage.
I am a Canadian and Egyptian citien and American green card holder but I have not been to Egypt for 2o years and hardly been to America recently with the exception of a couple of trips to see chiropractors to treat my back injury and they were of little help. Last night i was buying an Ameerican made food supplement to help with my eye sight. Of cours more than 90% are American because America has 10 times the pobulation of Canada. It is even almost 100% of the food supplements are American made. Being in Canada I felt the operetion of the stupid and criminal canadian rotten rulers which is with worse than the Mafia which has a code of honer whle these Canadian have none along with unlimied stupidity. First the Canadian doller does not have the same buying power are the American dollar so I had to pay more Canadian dollars which is not nice but I will accept.The real problems start with the shipping. For multi bottels orders which are usually 3 bottels or more it is free shipping every american location including Alaska which is farther from America mainland than any Canadian or American City. But to Canada there is big shipping charrges and free shipping to America takes 2 to 5 days while paid shipping to Canada takes 2 to 4 weeks which means 14 to 28 dqys. Also to make matters worse the products are made in America and nothing to do with Canada. There is no taxes sharged for American buyers whatsoever but for Canafian buyers the rotten Canadian government extort canadian buyers buy forcing them to pay PST and GST and soon Fuckst. This is extortion and I will soon scrap all these fuck st and detain the Canadian extortionists because they don’t belong. I will also stop extorting the Canadian to pay for shipping and wait 5 times as long to recieve the products they order. I will also try but I can’t promice to equate the American and Canadian dollars and before I acheive that I wwill try to make a rule that for American exporters to do business with they must accept the cannadian dollar on bar with the American dollar. I will get justice for Canadians who had been ribbed off for years or even decades but no more.
The world is rotten but Canada is becoming the most rotten place because of the corrupt gangesters who rule it. The canadian government emplpoyees are getting paid but do not work. I tried to get to the tax department but not a single human is avaiable and the work from home is the bigest ripoff because they just don’t work at all. It is impotent corrupt government spreading the corruption and hardship everywhere.
Now we move to another subject about Putin criminal invation of the Ukraine and it is the rotten stenking Putin and not the Russian as a whole because some or many do not approve what the criminal Putin did. I tottally sympathize with the Ukraine and I think the Russian invation of Crimea was criminal as well and I think that the Uktanian can retake it back but it is not the right thing to do now. I understand that don’t have to launch a direct attack to take it but they can push towards Militopol or Mariupol and once they reach the coast they can batter the Kerch strait bridge to dust cuttting the Russian overland supply route starving the Russian forces untill they give in which will happen but that will will also starve the Crimea residents which is not accepttable and even outright criminal so any plans to take back the Crimea are totally unacceptable and even outright criminal. I know that the russian taking over Crimea but attackking Crimea or starving them is tottally outright criminal. The Ukrainian war is the issue to solve by kicking every russian soldier out of the Ukraine and not out of the Crimea.
I was taking a break and checked my Iphone. I just saw an news article that shows that stupidity has no limits. B Hayes an 18 years old,non-binary student at Nashville Christian School,said the school’s dress code disallowed them from wearing the all-black suit they arrived in at the event.
Hayes,who uses they/he pronouns,shared a photo of themselves standing outside the prom venue holdind a sign that reads:”They wouldn’t let me in because I’m in a suit.”
What amaing B said: my name is B Hayes. I am 18 yearss old and i’ve been attending Nashville Christian School for 13 years. my senior prom was today and i wasn’t alloweed in the doors because I was wearing a suit. i should not have to conform to feminity to attend a senior prom. I will not compromise who i am to fit in a box. who are you to tell us what it means to be a woman?
One last comment to show how stupidity included president Biden who said: Expelling Tennessee lawmakers was’shocking and undemocratic’ He should had labeled it criminal act and put immediately arrest and detain every single person who commited this crime or put the rules that allowed this crime to happen.
Another serious matter is the Covid-19 spread devastating the whole world. Only in America it had more than 0ne hundred million infections. It killed more than one million American. Government services had been almost eraced because of work at home which is abused so the governments employees do not work al all. Just get tax payes money for nothing. Prices had skyrocketed and so many bad things happened distroying people lives. Billions of them (almost every single humam). Now after years of investigationss the US Energy Department has concluded that the Covid panademic most likely arose from a laboratoty leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. Of course it is a fact but it should not take them years to find that out. It is simple. The covid 19 first human infection was in the Chinese city if Wuhan where there was a Virus lab able to mutate viruses. The first human Covid 19 human cases were in the same exact city where the lab exist. So the lab was the only spource of a mutated Covid 19 Virus that can infect human. Now of course criminals do not admit their crimes so they claimed that it originated from animal market in the same excact city. Of course every single city in China have animal market. That are hundreds of animal market but not a single one of these hundreds had a Covid 19 infections. Also the world have thousands of animal markets but it the infection happened only in the city Wuhan where this virus lab is located. In the whole China there are only 3 virus labs and I do not have the details of the other 2 labs but I know for sure that the Wuhan virus lab had the Covid 19 virus and tha capability to mutate it to infect human and they sure did 100%. It does not take years to come to that conclusion. It stupidity with no limits.
It is also more stupid to have labs that can mutate viruses. But it is a crocked filthy rotton world that is run by totally stupid rulers and for mankind to survive it must have a tottaly new way of thinking.
I had given you the introduction and I am sorry that for 6 months for total government injustice that took me a full 180 days to rectify. A total stupidity and injustice.
As time go by everythig gets worse all the time. For example as I was trying to proceed A virus program named mcafee forced itself on my site without my permission telling me I had 5 Viruses which I know it is a lie and trying to get a payment but they did not have my new credit card information which was good because I do not want this mcafee and I tried to get rid of this garbage program but I had to go out my site and login again waisting my time and energy. It is a tottaly filthy rotten stuped world than must tottaly change. One other point of that corrupt world is that I currently live in Canada and due to the distruction of the soil by using the devastating chimicals the food does not have the nutrition our body need to function so I order food supplements which claim to supply the body with the missing nutrition and I am not even sure that these claims are true because the governments do not even check claiming it is not their business. Almost all these supplements are made in America so I pay in American Dollars which is higher than Canadian dollars and because there are artificial borders and everthing from America has to go through Canadian customs that delay the delivery time a lot weeks instead of days. Also the
shipping to American addresses is free but not to Canadian addresses because Canada post gouges Canadians. To make matters a lot worse is that although the products are made totally in America without any involvement of the Canadian government whatspever the Canada post demand a huge payment for what they call duty and customs that Americans do not pay at all. IF I refuse to pay such extortion mmoney the post office send the product back to America and I losse all my money. It is outright criminal extortion from what so called Canadian govenment and I ask every Canadian to refuse to pay such outright extortion.
Now we know that all governments and rulers are stupid without limit we must remove all of them and we sure can. Civil disobedience is a must. We must absolutely chalenge them every step of the way and pay no taxes or fees whatsoever. We will only use businesses who support our agenda and do not patronize businesses that do not. I will also black list the worest of businesses so they have to sell their businesses very cheap to our supporters. We can acheive that.
The first black listed person we must isolate and remove from power immediatly is the rotten Putin who rules Russia. To remove him we must have a Total boycott to Russia and all it’s goods and services and do not export any item whatsoever to Russia untill rotten Putin is totally removed. Right after or even before all Russian army must leave Ukraine immediately.
Another item that we must deal with is the way government departments verbal abuse. They treaten in their voice mail that the use of agressive language will lead to the termination of the call. Of course anybody has the right to do that but to have that threat told to every caller whoes 99% do not use agressive language is totally unacceptable and outrigh criminal and must be immediately stop.
Another matter is that humans have the right to work or be with whoever they want. So if someone does not work or associate with people from specific race they have the absolute right to state and say that. This is not discrimination at all and people have the right to not associate with race or gender they do not want to.

Hello I here ap0logize for not writing for many months because of a rotten stinking government and corrupt system that wwe are going to dismantle soon. I had been approved for 5 hours a week of personal support worker 10 years ago. Seven years ago another agency approved me for extra two hours. Seven months ago a rotten supervisor told her workers that when they finish their job they can leave even early? The worker told me that and I said it is illegal to get paid for not working. Anyway she had two hours to work that day. She m0pped the floor in 20 minutes and when I asked her to help organize the apartment which was done for 10 years she said it was not her job and she is leaving early as her supervisor said. I said the door is open but to never come back again. Next day I called the organization in charge and asked to assign me another agency but they said a case worker has to see me first. The case worker did not show up for two weeks so I left her a couple of messages and she did not respond. So I complained to her supervisor so she got angry and vendective and illegally canceled my 5 hours with her organization and criminally contacted the other organization and had them cancelled my 2 hour from them as well leaving me with zero hours of support workers. I complained to her supervisor who never replied. I complaind to the director but never replied as well. The were worse criminals than the mafia that had a code of honer but they  were criminals with no code of honer at all. Just filthy rotten and crocked low life criminals who are paid out of my tax momey. I tried to contact the minister of long term care for a month but he never replied as will a low life criminal as well. Three months later I got a call from the escalation officer to hear and rule on my case. After time a zoom hearing the escalation officer ruled to restore my seven hours of support workers. The criminal organization of the support workers kept in their criminal activity and they conspired with the agency they assigned to limit my service to only giving me a shower. I can not have showers for full seven hours and for 10 full years i was helped with many services. I only need one shower a week that takes only 15 minutes so what happened to the other 6 hours and 45 minutes???  I complained to the health service review board but they insisted that I provide them with the escalation officer decision in writing? I gave them the name and phone number to call and get what they wanted but they refused and insisted that I get it myself. It took me 3 weeks to get the written decision but the health service review stop answering their phone for 2 months till now and never returned 30 messages i left till now. I made a complaint to the ombudsman in charge over a month ago but they said they had a back log and I had to wait. I complained  to the member of the provincial parliament a month ago but after a month they said the will look to find it. So it has been over 7 months and the corrupt system did not give me justice???  It is a fucked and corrupt system and I will fire all of them and even put them in prison for the crimes they are committing every single dayfor years and decades.

Another article that showes how rotten and outright criminal are the world rulers starting with the American president and all the officials under him is the criminal distraction and invation an the mass murder of million Iraqi and injuring even more and destroying the lives of all Iraqi for no reason at all by U.S. President George W. Bush and Uk Prime Minister Tony Blair who formed the coalition to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction {WMD}, to end Saddam Hussein’s support of terrorism, and free Iraqi people”, even though the UN inspection team led by Hans Blix had declared it had found absolutely nothing to support that. It is very clear that Iraq did not have a gram of Uranium or chemical weapons. It is very stuped and outright criminals and mass murderers  and should be immediately charged. That includes everybody who made the order to illegally attack Iraq and everybody who carried through with it. I will just eliminate the death penalty because I am not a murder. I will even change the death sentence penalty of criminals in the death row to life imprisonmet with life time torcher as sever as each criminal crime.
Here I enter my story about trying to stop the Iraqi invasion and the criminals wo sabotaged and obstructed my mission.
Few months before the Iraqi criminal invasion I contated Udai the son of Iraq president Saddam Hussein and he replied to me with  an official invitation come to meet him in Iraq. I called the Iraqi Embassy in Ottawa Canada  immediately and they were pleased that I called and said they were trying to contact me because they had instruction from Udai to imediately give me a visa and a document stating that I am a VIP to make present to any Iraqi official and just asked for my passport photo. I immidiatly sent them the passport photo while I was on the phone with them and they asked me to resend because it was not clear. I sent another couple of time while they were still on the phone and the will immediatly send me the visa and VIP letter by Fedral express. It was 3 pm. At 8:45 next morning I recieved the Visa an VIP letter and it was sent by Fedral Express and it was sent to be delivered before 9 oclock which was the fastest and most expensive way to send documents. The delivery person must have been smart to find my address before the 9 AM deadline because I lived in a luxurious 2 bedroom condominium in Bay street  in Toronto Canada which is the same as wall street in America. and my condominium was at the intersection of Bay street and Gerrard street and has a Bay street address which was more impressive but the entrance was on Gerrard street and there wereno notice whatsoever on bay street so nobody could find the entrance in Bay street at all so it wwas very difficult to find. It is just a total stupidity not to just put a sign on the Bay street front advising people that the entrance was at Gerrard street but the Fedral Expresss driver knew that and delivered my express letter in time.
I have a lot more  to tell about the criminal invation of Iraq but I will interrupt several times.

Now we move and talk about Uber rides. They were good and more economical than taxies because taxi licence were limited and had an artificial value of hundreds of thousands of dollars so the taxi riders had to pay artificially inflated fares so Uber was more economical  and practical. I used to phone and order Uber and the Uber car used to come and pick me up and activate the meter and I pay the fare plus the tip. Just a couple of months ago Uber Canada eliminated the phone number for Uber Canada while still having a phone number  for Uber drivers in Canada as well as having Uber America riders phone number but it will not serve Canadian riders and the only option was to go to the Uber website and put the pick up address and the  desttination address and it quotes you a fare tripple as much as it used to be and you have to pay in advance. So now I am black listing Canada Uber riders service and asking every one in Canada to boycott Canada Uber riders service and I will soon find a special taxi service that does not have inflated taxi license price tag and has a phone service and lower rates than the current taxi service  and Uber riders service. Also when you boycott Canada Uber riders seevice ny reduce their business by about 25% it  will not be profitable and Uber will sell it dirt cheap and we will only stop the boycot if it was bought by one of my followers who will restore the riders phone support and even rerduce the fairs to riders and even more to my followers. So please give a lesson to Canada Uber riders service and give them zero dollarsso they get wiped out and give a message to all other businesses to respect Canadians.
We will find a lot of stupid  businesses and I will expose them and will boycott them till they lose 20 0r 25% of their customers and  start lossing money forcimg them to sell and only when the buyer is one of my followers I will stop the boycott and the business will really serve the customers at a considerable savings and floursh.
My followers will be leading the world and have unlimited benefits.

Now we move about the criminal Rotten Putin invasion to the Ukraine and I say Rotten Putin and no Russian because there are many honorable Russians who do not support it. I said before to give the rotten title to Putin and now I go more on how quickly end this invation and have every single Russian soldier withdrow back to Russia.
1- As a first step kick all the Russian Ambassadors Counselors out of all the countries world wide including Iran  and North Korea who we can make them friendly  countries because they are not or enemies at all and I will lead the movement to acheive that very fast.
2- Withdraw all the world countries Ambassadors out of Russia and I do not mention Counselors and if rotten Putin retaliated by deporting them let it be no harm done.

3- Stop all the world trade with Russia untill rotten Putin is removed  from power and all the Russian soldiers withdrow completely from the Ukraine. To make that faster we will provide safe passage to all Russian soldiers and all their belongings, Equipments and weapons to be fair.
If that happens in a timely manar the Uktaine will withdrew its claim for Crimea and the world will accept the Russian claim tha Crimea is a part of Russia and the Ukraine will never claim it as long as the Ukranians in Crimea are treated fairly. Also the Ukranian will be peaceful and never cross or violate the Russian or the Crimea borders
4- If the Russian did not withdraw I will kick all Russian offficials out off all the world countries and take over all Russian assits and kick them out of the United nations security councill and kick tthem out of the United Nations and  if all political and economic contacts and freeze all their assists worldwide.
5- If the Russsian do not withdrow from the Ukraine and stop their military operations in the Uktaine in a timely manner the Ukraine and the world I will claim the return of Crimea to be Ukrainian territory and use military force to achieve that.
This a fair and just demand and rotten Putin and any russian or other country that obstruct that will be declaled criminals and punshed severely and  immediately.
Here I pause talking about the Ukraine because I am going to contact president Putin with my ideas to imediatly. If he withdrow from the Ukraine and stop the terrible war immidiatly I will call him president again and not rotten. If he does not I will call him rotten Putin  and remove hime from power immidiatly and have him tortured for life. I would not give him the death penalty because I am not a murderer and nobody have the right to kill including the courts and judges and I will immediately take the death penalty out of the books and replace it with imprisonment for life with inflecting life time of pain and torture that fits the crime they committed.

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The world leader Sammy Adel

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